Culture & Philosophy

Our Club Philosophy
Granite State Volleyball Club is dedicated to ensuring that all of our young athletes have a great experience playing club volleyball with our program and grow their love for the sport of volleyball. Our goal is to train our athletes to be competitive players by incorporating new and innovative volleyball knowledge, using expert coaches and practicing and competing with a goal-oriented mindset. All of our coaches are passionate about mentoring and teaching the game of volleyball. GSVC coaches constantly work to educate themselves on the newest skills and coaching strategies to grow and evolve with the top- level volleyball coaches around the world. At GSVC, we treat each member of our club as an individual and are determined to see every player become successful and achieve their goals. We pride ourselves on expressing good sportsmanship, teamwork and positivity all while pushing our athletes to come out of their comfort zone and push themselves to be the best competitive volleyball player that they can be.
Club Guidelines and Culture
Time Commitment
Participating and competing at the Junior Olympic Club level, requires a large amount of commitment and dedication. While considering a role on our team roster, we ask that the athlete and athlete's family understand the level of commitment that is expected. Being a member of GSVC will require a large amount of time, effort and financial resources. A typical season will run from November through May. Teams will typically have two-hour practices twice per week and will compete in tournaments on the weekends. Our athletes will be expected to make a commitment to their team and program to attend practices and tournaments that are scheduled by the GSVC coaching staff. At our parent meeting, usually hosted in November, players and parents will be provided with a practice schedule and tentative tournament schedule. We hope that by providing this information early in the season, it will limit any scheduling conflicts. We do understand that some conflicts are out of the control of the player and player family's control, if/when this happens, we ask that you notify your head coach immediately so that they have time to plan and prepare for the absence.
"We are not a team because we work together. We are a team because we respect, trust and care for each other."

Practice Information
Please arrive at all practices 15 minutes before your scheduled start time. We believe that "early is on time and on time is late". Players should be ready to practice with their gear on by their scheduled time. It is important that all gym equipment is respected and that the rules of the facility are strictly followed. Equipment should be put away neatly at the conclusion of practice and trash will need to be disposed of before exiting the facility.
All GSVC practices are closed practices (no spectators). Our program has closed practices because we believe that it helps our players focus more on what they are learning. Coaches offer a courtesy livestream to a private group for parents and spectators to view practices as a way of connecting positively with the program. It can also be a tool for players to use to develop and create recruitment videos.
Tournament Information
Parents will need to transport their athletes to all scheduled volleyball events. For tournaments that are located several hours away, families may need to depart a day before the event. Lodging and food will be at the player's expense.
NERVA (New England Region Volleyball Association) games are held on Sundays throughout the season. GSVC will participate in 5 NERVA events. They are one day tournaments (approximately five hours in duration) and are typically within an hour and a half drive from our practice facility. This is a round robin pool play setup with a single elimination playoff round. Starting time for tournaments can come in as late as a day before the event. Typically, they are posted on SportWrench by mid-week prior to the tournament. Coaches will send emails to their teams with any tournament information or changes. For any NERVA tournaments, players are expected to arrive at the facility 45 min before the first scheduled game and no later than 30 min at the court. Usually, the site tournament director will send out information for parking and an entry time and this will be shared with players and parents via email and our team Facebook page.
Convention Center Tournaments are weekend long tournaments held in various locations (Boston, Rhode Island, Springfield, Hartford). Parents will be responsible for booking their own rooms under our GSVC designated room block. We are required to reserve a minimum number of rooms per team per tournament or are subject to disqualification. For any convention center tournaments, players are expected to arrive at the facility 1 hour before the first scheduled game and no later than 30 min at the court. There can be long lines at bag checks, crowds, or long walks so this hour is the perfect amount of time to avoid being late. This includes being early to a “work” assignment (if we are not all present to officiate a game, we will be penalized significantly). If a player is later than this expectation, they may forfeit the opportunity to play in the first set, match or tournament.
Before leaving ANY site, it is our responsibility to clean up our area of any trash or spills.
During each tournament, updates to our schedules will be available on www.sportwrench.com.

Tournament Working Duties
Players will be required to work games throughout tournaments. All will have to participate in performing a duty. Teams enter as a team and leave as a team and thus, every player must remain with their team until their assigned work duty is complete.
*No food, air pods/headphones or cell phones are allowed at the scorer's table.
Scoring materials and information can be found on: https://usavolleyball.org/resources-for-officials/indoor-scorers/
Food and Drinks at Practices and Tournaments
Our practice facility does not allow any outside food or beverages to be consumed on the playing courts. Our athletes may only drink water and/or electrolyte drink when practicing. Players need to bring plenty of water and/or electrolyte drinks to tournaments. Coffee and other dehydrating drinks are STRONGLY discouraged before and during tournaments.
Players need to bring plenty of healthy food and snacks to tournaments. Good examples of healthy foods include: yogurt, nuts, granola bars, fruit, veggie straws, raw vegetables, sandwiches, salads, etc.
There is no food allowed at the scoring table when our teams are working.
We need our players to have stamina throughout the day and feel able to always compete at their best. Fueling our bodies is one of the most important ways to keep us competitive and at our best. Players who choose to eat unhealthy/greasy foods or drink dehydrating drinks during tournaments could possibly forfeit playing time.
"Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. The potential for greatness lives within each of us."
-Wilma Rudolph

Team Bonding/Team Socials at Tournaments
While at tournaments, players are expected to stay together. Downtimes at tournaments are wonderful opportunities for our teams to bond and foster relationships within the program. When players are "off" on their schedule, it is expected that they stay together, sit together and eat together.
At every convention center tournament, teams will try to set up a team bonding event. The hope is that team parents will take turns volunteering to set up a social for each convention center tournament for all the players to attend. These events are all inclusive and no player is ever left out. Each player is responsible for paying for themselves.
Playing Time Philosophy
At GSVC we believe that playing time is fair but not equal.
There is a lot that our coaches consider when making decisions on playing time; like, positive attitude, attendance at practices and tournaments, following/embracing team and program expectations, court chemistry, gameplay decisions, etc. and all will affect playing time.
Pool play playing time at a tournament is fair however, during playoffs, coaches will have a "playing to win" mentality and this may influence lineups and substitutions. Every role on the team is important and every player's role contributes to the success of our team/program.
GSVC has a 24hr rule with any discussions on playing time. Wait 24hrs before approaching and discussing any playing time concerns with the Head Coach. Players should first have a formal meeting with the Head Coach prior to any meeting with a parent and coach.

Policy for Missing Practices and Tournaments
lease give your coach a 48hr notification if you will be missing a practice and 96hr notification for missing a tournament or competition event (extreme circumstances may be an exception but this is up to the Head Coach and Director's discretion).
Missing a practice or any competition due to an unexcused reason will result in sitting out for the entire first, second and/or third match of the next tournament or competition.
If your player is not at the tournament at the required time set by the coach, they will sit out the entire first match of the tournament.
Missing 5 practices or games due to unexcused reasons, may result in forfeiting your position on the team (this is at the discretion of the Head Coach and Director). No refunds are issued to a player who is removed from the program.
Spectator Policy
At GSVC we want our athletes to play and coaches to coach with confidence and have the ability to play without fear of failure. It is our mission to create a positive atmosphere where players and coaches are supported by their teammates, coaches and spectators. Coaches and directors will ensure that all parents remain positive. We believe in the power of positivity and just as a single athlete could break down the moral of the team, so could a parent. PLEASE REMAIN SUPPORTIVE.
No player or coach should be subject to physical, emotional or mental abuse by their parent/spectator. All athletes and coaches should be treated with respect by their teammates, opponents, spectators and coaches.
Communicating with your child during a match or at practice is strongly discouraged. Parents/Spectators should communicate with their child only when their coach has released them unless there is an emergency.
Spectators will display sportsmanship to all (referees, coaches, opponents, etc.).
Parents/Spectators should support their athlete in whatever role that their daughter may have on the team.
If a spectator has concerns to discuss, they are to first set up a time to meet with their athlete's coach via email. No parent is permitted to discuss playing time with a coach unless the athlete has already had a formal meeting to discuss this concern with their coach.
A parent shall not initiate any contact or conversation with a coach regarding match management decisions, playing time, or personal issues at anytime during a tournament/game or within 24 hours after the completion of the event.

"Your vision defines your direction. Your persistence determines your success."
Respect the Coach
Our coaches coach the game of volleyball because they have a passion and love for the sport. We want them to have a great club experience, as well. Although our coaches are compensated for their commitment to our program, they are compensated far less than the countless hours that they dedicate to our program and their athletes. Please be respectful of their time and appreciative of what they have to offer your athlete.
Please remember that coaches are responsible for every member on their team and not just to one specific player. Coaches are encouraged to make decisions based off the greater good of their team and the unit as a whole. A coach must take into consideration a lot of factors before making a decision about who plays, when they play and where they play. GSVC coaches always prioritize the success of the team while doing their best to ensure that all individual goals and successes are accomplished and that every player feels valued.
Respect the Official
The referees at our games and tournaments are most likely in this role because they enjoy the game (just like our athletes and coaches). Some are volunteers and some are professionals. Either way, they are involved in the game because they have a passion for volleyball. Please be respectful of every decision made regardless of whether or not it is your opinion. Volleyball is a fast-paced game and it is difficult for all to be seen. Remember everyone is trying their best and it is our job as a club to be respectful athletes and supporters.

Uniforms and Equipment
The club will provide each athlete with two practice t-shirts, sweatshirt, sweatpants, game uniform and backpack. Please follow care instructions (on the labels) and take good care of your gear throughout the season. If an item is lost or damaged, it is the responsibility of the athlete to replace.
Athletes should wear their GSVC warm-up suit in and out of tournaments. GSVC backpacks should be used by all players. Players should bring both jerseys to every game. They are not required to wear the spandex that they are provided with their uniforms however, they will need to wear navy Under Armour spandex or navy Under Armour leggings to any competition event.
Players will need to have their own knee pads, volleyball shoes and water bottles.
Players are not permitted to wear jewelry, watches, or other hard objects (like a cast), during practice or a competition.
If you would like to purchase additional GSVC clothing, please check out our store locker using the merchandise tab on our website.
Inclement Weather Policy
Only club directors will make a decision on travel if severe weather occurs. They will notify the coaches and the coaches will notify their teams as soon as possible. If you do not feel safe to travel, please contact your coach ASAP.
If a team pulls out of a tournament less than a week before, this will result in the club being fined and not receiving a refund. So, we want to PLAY!

Drug and Alcohol Policy
The use of alcohol, drugs and/or other substances are strongly prohibited. If a situation occurs where a player is using drugs, alcohol or other substances, it will result in immediate removal of the player from the club. Any athlete that is in violation of this policy while at a hotel for a volleyball tournament, will also be removed from the club. Any athlete who violates this policy and is removed from this club is not subject to a refund.
Injuries/Medical Coverage
If an injury occurs while participating in a GSVC practice, game or other event, a coach needs to be notified immediately by the player and a New England Region form will need to be filled out.

Refund Policy
When GSVC makes an offer to your athlete and it is accepted with the payment of your initial deposit, both sides have made a commitment and the athlete will have secured her spot on one of our rosters. When a roster spot is accepted, it takes away an opportunity from another athlete that may have wanted to be a part of the GSVC program. In addition, your athlete's uniform and GSVC apparel is included with your tuition cost and these items are ordered once rosters are solidified. For these reasons, GSVC has a no refund policy once your initial deposit has been made. If you are on a payment plan with GSVC, we would expect that any remaining payments are also honored.