Player Checklist

Player Checklist
What should players bring to a tournament?
BOTH Jerseys
Please make sure players bring BOTH jerseys to every game.
Warm Up Suit
Please make sure that players are wearing their GSVC warm up suit in and out of tournaments.
GSVC Backpack
GSVC backpacks should be used by all players.
Navy Blue Under Armour Spandex or Leggings
Players are not required to wear the spandex that they were provided with their uniforms however, they will need to wear navy Under Armour spandex.
Water or Electrolyte Drink
Players need to bring plenty of water and/or electrolyte drinks to tournaments. Coffee and other dehydrating drinks are STRONGLY discouraged before and during tournaments.
Healthy Snacks
Players need to bring plenty of healthy food and snacks to tournaments. Good examples of healthy foods include: yogurt, nuts, granola bars, fruit, veggie straws, raw vegetables, sandwiches, salads, etc.
Knee Pads, White Socks & Court Shoes
Don't forget volleyball necessities like knee pads, socks and court shoes!
Positive Attitude
Being positive, selfless and encouraging earns playing time and contributes positively to our club culture and philosophy. Please bring your best attitude!